Run details
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Other results in 3DMark Vantage run
Percentage of results per score
4K gaming PC
Gaming PC (HTC Vive/Oculus Rift min spec)
Gaming laptop (2013)
This score
Office PC (2013)
- Name
- Description
- User
- NoDsl
Graphics Card
- Graphics Card
- AMD Radeon HD 6550D
- Vendor
- Giga-Byte Technology Co., Ltd.
- # of cards
- 1
- SLI / CrossFire
- Off
- Memory
- 510 MB
- Clock frequency
- 0 MHz (0 MHz)
- Average clock frequency
- N/A
- Memory clock frequency
- 0 MHz (0 MHz)
- Average memory clock frequency
- N/A
- Average temperature
- N/A
- Driver version
- 8.871.0.0
- Driver status
- Not Approved
- Processor
- AMD A8-3850
- Clock frequency
- 3,718 MHz (3,700 MHz)
- Average clock frequency
- N/A
- Average temperature
- N/A
- Physical / logical processors
- 1 / 4
- # of cores
- 4
- Package
- FM1
- Manufacturing process
- 32 nm
- 100 W
- Operating system
- 64-bit Windows 7 (6.1.7601)
- Motherboard
- Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. GA-A75M-UD2H
- Memory
- 3,582 MB
- Hard drive model
- 82 GB HDS72808 0PLA380 SATA Disk Device
- VBS status
- Unknown
- HVCI status
- Unknown